Monday, May 28, 2007

Molon Labe.. Come and Take Them

Molon Labe (come and take them)--------- Many gun owners and 2nd ammendment supporters subscribe to this idea or philosophy. When the time comes for the government to take away our rights to own firearms for our protection will any of us still hold to this philosophy? For the most part we (gun owners) are law abiding, patriotic,hard working, AMERICANS. We don't look for trouble. We don't cause trouble. We respect the police and know they are trying to protect us from criminals. That being said when a government agent knocks on your door telling you to hand over your now ILLEGAL "cache" or "ARSENAL". How many of us will really stand up and fight? I know what I would like to say I will do. I'm sure there are millions of gun owners who think they will say "COME AND TAKE THEM". But will we be united against our own government especially when we are so divided in our own group?We have elitists who fight against "ASSAULT WEAPONS".Gun owners are at a place in time where we can not afford infighting. This is just something that has been on my mind and I wanted to see if anyone had something to say about this.Or if anyone could shed a different light on our future with firearms and where we are heading. When was the last time a group of people stood up against our own tyranny? Are we to concerned with SUV's and keeping up with the Jonses to stand up for our rights? I hope not and I am sure we will find out in the not to distant future.